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Coastal Texas Project Update

Webinar - organised by I-STORM international

Members only

10 June 2020

In March 2019, I-STORM members were invited to contribute to a Gate Design Workshop, to explore different possible barrier concepts for a USA barrier proposal. This webinar gave an informative update on this project.

The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Texas General Land Office's (TGLO) Coastal TX Study Team are designing flood defences on the East Coast, to protect the area against storm surges. In March 2019, I-STORM members were invited to contribute to a Gate Design Workshop, to explore different possible barrier concepts, and select a concept (or concepts) to be taken forward to initial design and the next level of feasibility analysis. Many of our members attended the Galveston workshop in 2019 and this webinar – which is the first of I-STORM’s 2020 webinar series – was an opportunity to see how I-STORM helped shape the project, and how it has progressed since then.

During this webinar USACE and GLO gave an informative update on the Coastal Texas Project. The session consisted of a 1 hour presentation and 30 minute Q&A, hosted by our colleagues from USACE and the Coastal Texas Project Team.

The online meeting was very well attended and received excellent feedback. Attendees were very enthusiastic, so our thanks go to our colleagues at the USACE and TGLO for their fantastic and interesting presentations and their time answering the many questions members had!

An audio recording of this session is available to I-STORM members along with the slides for anyone who was unable to join on the day. Please contact enquiries@i-storm.org for further details.