Welcome to I-STORM!

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Coming soon

Please note this page is still under development. Soon everyone will be able find all I-STORM connected barriers here, and information on what makes each barrier unique.
Members can already view this information by logging in.

To find out more about the barriers in our network, please download Storm surge barrier facts on our Downloads page, which gives you an overview of the largest storm surge barriers in the I-STORM network.

Beautiful images (and videos) below will also introduce you to our member barriers.

Members only

I-STORM members can view further information here after logging in.

Members only

I-STORM members can view further information here after logging in.

Dutch giants on video

In 2022 Rijkswaterstaat launched a new video, called On the shoulder of giants, in which it proudly shows the usefullness and necessity, the uniqueness and robustness of the Dutch barriers.